Mục lục bài viết
For some reasons, expats fail to extend their visa timely and want to exit Vietnam, in this case, under latest provisions of Immigration Department or Division, an appropriate fine shall be considered applying and a visa with validity period of under 15 days (for carrying out procedure to exit Vietnam) shall be issued to such expats.
Required documents during applying for an exit visa:
That which agency processes your case depends on your visa application case. Two agencies in charge of processing exit visas are Immigration Department and Immigration Division.
Exit Vietnam
Documents required for sponsoring enterprise:
- Copy of business license
- Copy of seal sample certificate
- Copy of tax code registration
- Copy of signature and seal registration
Documents required for expat:
- Passport (still valid for at least 6 months)
- A completed request for application for exit visa
- Explanation letter about not complying with visa’s validity period provisions with full information provided
- Air ticket booking
If you have difficulty in applying for visa to exit Vietnam, please contact Viet Uy Tin for consultancy (totally free).